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MARI/CCPO Seminar Series

Malcolm J. Bowman, PhD, PE, Professor of Oceanography and Distinguished Service Professor, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY

Malcolm J. Bowman is a an observational physical oceanographer and a registered professional engineer with more than 40 years of experience in coastal marine science, ocean and water quality modeling, storm surge science and the interactions of the physical environment with marine ecosystems.

Dr. Bowman holds B.Sc., and M.Sc. degrees in Physics and mathematics from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and a PhD degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

His research includes the causes, nature, dynamics and consequences of extreme weather events such as hurricanes and winter nor’easters in an era of climate change and rising sea levels. Focused on the northeastern seaboard, his research investigates storm surges, storm waves and associated threats and consequences for coastal erosion, inundation and infrastructure damage. He investigates regional natural and built coastal protection measures appropriate to Metropolitan New York, northern New Jersey and coastal Long Island. He provides consulting and advisory services to local and regional government, commercial and industrial businesses and engineering companies.

Professor Bowman is the Founding Director of the Stony Brook Storm Surge Research Group, President of the Stony Brook Environmental Conservancy, a Distinguished Member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and a Director of the Environmental Defence Society (New Zealand).

He served on New York State's Infrastructure 2100 Task Force and the New York City Panel on Climate Change, which advise government on how best to protect New York City and coastal NY State against the threats of climate change, rising sea levels and storm surges.

Professor Bowman discusses research and policy matters related to climate change, the science of storm surges and the vulnerabilities and protection measures appropriate to New Jersey, Long Island and Metropolitan New York.

His research on storm hazards is often featured in TV, radio and the print media. Hosts have included ABC, CBS and NBC News, BBC, CNN, Bloomberg TV, Reuters TV, NY1 News, Ch 12 Long Island, Dan Rather Reports, National Geographic Society, Science Channel, Franco-German Public TV, ARTE (France), NHK (Japan), HIJTV (China), Rode Vis Producties (Netherlands), PBS, WNYC, WCBS, WABC, WNBC, WINN, NPR, Associated Press and Reuters International.

Support for Dr. Bowman’s research team has been provided by New York Sea Grant, NOAA, NWS, NYC Department of Environmental Protection, HydroQual Inc., Eppley Foundation for Scientific Research and the Mary Jean and Frank P. Smeal Foundation.