Summer 2018: Sustainability Leadership

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Sustainability Leadership

Course: BIOL/OEAS/IDS 467, BIOL/OEAS 567 (three credits)
CRNs: 35510, 35861, 35874, 35855, 35856
Course title: Sustainability Leadership
Instructors: Dr. Hans-Peter Plag, Dr. Tatyana Lobova, Dr. Eddie Hill
Term: Summer 2018 (season 1)
Time: Mondays and Wednesday, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: BAL 2068 -- SRC 1009

NOTE: Make sure that your document includes your name and the title of the question set. In your answers, provide detailed citations of all sources you used to write the answer. Preferably, base your answer on peer-reviewed literature. At the end of the document, provide a list of the references. Insufficient citation or missing list of references will result in subtraction of up to 20 points.

Question Set 1

Answer five of the seven questions.

  1. What type of leadership do we need to make progress toward sustainability?
  2. Based on Köhler et al. (2018), discuss how modeling sustainability transitions can inform sustainability leadership.
  3. Is safeguarding the Earth's life-support system a wicked or super-wicked problem? Explain why or why not.
  4. Can capitalist, growth-focused economy be reconciled with the need to safeguard the Earth's life-support system?
  5. Based on Ward et al. (2017), does unlimited growth and sustainability fit together or contradict each other? Compare this to the approach of UNEP (2012) based on the summary.
  6. What are the main characteristics of participatory modeling?
  7. Provide a sketch for a high-level conceptual model for the interaction of humanity with the Earth's life-support system. Briefly explain your model.

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Please, submit the answers by e-mail to the two instructors. Note that your answers to the questions should be concise and in a scientific writing style. Please, include your name at the top and the questions before each answer. The answers have to cite the sources consulted in writing the answer and a list of references. Citations and Reference have to follow the documentation style defined by the Council of Scientific Editors, known as the CSE style. See SSF-Guide or the WISC page for more information on the CSE style. Examples of correct references can be found here.