Academic Programs Supported by MARI

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Summer 2024:
IDS 369/CL 668 Internship

Spring 2024:
250N Natural Hazards

Fall 2023:
250N Natural Hazards
466W/566 Mitigation and Adaptation Studies

Summer 2023:
IDS 369/CL 668 Internship

Spring 2023:
250N Natural Hazards
467/567 Sustainability Leadership

Fall 2022:
250N Natural Hazards
466W/566 Adaptation
658 Modeling

Summer 2022:
IDS 369/CL 668 Internship

Spring 2022:
250N Natural Hazards
467/567 Sustainability Leadership

Fall 2021:
250N Natural Hazards
466W/566 Adaptation
658 Modeling

Summer 2021:
IDS 369/CL 668 Internship

Spring 2021:
250N Natural Hazards
467/567 Sustainability Leadership

Fall 2020:
250N Natural Hazards
466W/566 Adaptation
658 Modeling

Summer 2020:
IDS 369/CL 668 Internship

Spring 2020:
467/567 Leadership
IDS 369/PRTS697 Internship

Fall 2019:
658 Modeling
466W/566 Adaptation
250N Natural Hazards and Disasters
369 Internship

Summer 2019:
369 Internship
467/567 Sustainability Ledership

Spring 2019:
466W/566 Adaptation

2018 and earlier
250N Natural Hazards and Disasters
369 Internship
467 Leadership
Teaching Archive

Project and Programs:
ILC Project
CURE Project
Sustainability and Conservation Leadership Program
Sustainability and Conservation Leadership Minor
Grad. Certificate in Conservation Leadership
MARI Case Study Template

Seminar Series - Spring 2014: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies of Civil/Coastal Engineers for Future Sea Level Rise

April 4, 2014, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Port/Coastal Infrastructure and Climate Change: An Adaptive Management Approach

John Headland, Moffatt & Nichol, NYC

This lecture describes an adaptive management approach to Climate Change. It starts with a review of various Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios. Thence it presents adaptive strategies for: (1) Ports and Harbors, (2) Coastal Structures, (3) Marshes, and (4) Beaches. Examples are given for the east and west coast. Practical tools for evaluating the impacts of SLR are summarized and illustrated by example. The overall intent is to argue for the development of proactive plans to manage anticipated SLR. The hope is that such activities will result in staid, effective and communicable strategies for threatened locations.