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Future Workshops and Events

For meetings of the Hampton Roads Adaptation Forum, see the dedicated web page at

Past Workshops and Events (reversed chronological order)

  • Hampton Roads Adaptation Forum: A HRAF mmetting took place on February 23, 2018 at the Hampton Roads Sanitation District NS Training Facility, 2389 G Avenue, Newport New, VA 23602. It focused on infrastructure resilience. The agenda is available on the Forum website.
  • Role of the Ocean for SDGs: MARI is engaged in the development of a White Paper on the role of the ocean for the implementation and monitoring of the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs in Caribbean Small Island States. A workshop brought together governments and Earth observation providers in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and took place in January 2018. For more information, see the Workshop Web Site.
  • Humboldt Foundation Fellow talked about Adaptation around the Baltic Sea On November 3, 2017, Prof. Dr. Gerald Schernewski (read more) talked at ODU about “Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region: Consequences for coastal areas and adaptation examples.” The abstract is available here. The event was organized by the Alumni Council of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and MARI at Old Dominion University.
  • Hampton Roads Resilience Forum: A Watershed Event — The Hampton Roads Resilience Forum is a regional summit to advance economic development and public policy. It discussed how the region works with water. The event took place on August 22, 2017 at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott. More information is available here. See also the article by Jessica Williams.

    Virtual Student Foreign Service: The VSFS provided an unique oppportunity for students to engage in international projects during a virtual internship. Through the VSFS program, students can work on projects that advance the work of government on multiple fronts. Projects include helping counter violent extremism, strengthening human rights monitoring, developing virtual programs, engaging in digital communications, mapping, economic and political reporting, data analysis, graphic design, and app building. Students can choose projects from a wide variety of more than 32 federal agencies. The deadline for applications had been extended to August 2, 2017.

  • GEO Blue Planet Symposium in College Park, MD: The 3rd Symposium of the Blue Planet Initiative, Oceans and Society of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) took place on May 31-June 2, 2017 at the NOAA Facilities in College Park, MD, USA.
  • Achieving Environmental Equity: A community roundtable organized by the Urban Sustainability and Equity Center in Richmond, Virgina on May 1, 2017, 6:00-8:00 PM, discussed local heat island patterns in the City of Richmond.
  • Fifth GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder workshop: The 5th GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop on “Linking the Sustainable Development Goals to Earth Observations, Models and Capacity Building” was held on December 9-10, 2016, Berkeley, California, USA. For more information, see
  • Hampton Roads Adaptation Forum: A Adaptation Forum took place on Friday, July 29, 2016 at the Old Dominion University Peninsula Higher Education Center (ODU PHEC). The topic was “The Latest in Sea Level Rise Science.” For more information, see

  • Annual Education Seminar of the Virginia Water Environment Association: The Seminar was held on May 12, 2016 in Richmond, Virgina, and it included an opening presentation on “Global and Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Understanding and Meeting the Challenge from Local to Global Levels” by Hans-Peter Plag. The presentation is available as PDF.
  • Hampton Roads Adaptation Forum: An Adaptation Forum took place on Friday, May 6, 2016 at Clark Nexsen in Virginia Beach. The theme was Planning for Resilience in Hampton Roads. See the Agenda. For more information, see
  • Presentation on Sustainable Water Recycling: On Friday, April 15, 2016, the Hampton Roads Sanitation District Team presented “Sustainable Water Recycling: Protecting Virginia's Future”. The event took place at 1 PM in the Learning Commons Room in the Perry Library and was hosted by Dr. Rich Whittecar, Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Science. For more information, see here ...

  • MARI/CCPO Seminar on April 10, 2016: Kirstin Dow, University of South Carolina was the speaker. See the Seminar Page for more details.

  • Teach-In: ODU teaching faculty was invited to participate in a Climate Change Teach-In on April 4-8, 2016. In each class the teachers were encouraged to dedicate at least 5 minutes of class time to a discussion of Climate Change and how it relates to the course or the field in general. The goal was to raise campus awareness and to provide a critical framework for the wide-ranging implications of this topic. It was hoped to create a common intellectual focus for a week to bring students and faculty into a collective dialogue. Read the flyer, see the poster, and have a look at the slides.

  • Climate Change Injustice: On April 5, 2016, G. Madison Powers talked about Climate Change Injustice: Responsibility and Response. The talk was hosted by the Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs and will take place at 7:30 PM in Constant Hall 1005. See the leaflet. Here is a short abstract: “In this talk I discuss the disagreement among philosophers on how to characterize the ethical issues posed by climate change. One view holds that because of the complex causes of global warming our traditional theories of moral responsibility leave us without grounds for holding anyone accountable or for apportioning fairly the costs of mitigation and adaptation. A second view holds that our conceptions of human rights are perfectly adequate to the task and that there are identifiable parties who should be held accountable. Moreover, there are clear human rights violations that justify a variety of responses, including active resistance and the imposition of costs on the beneficiaries of the high standard of living made possible by reliance on fossil fuels. Global sea rise and the impact on agriculture are examples of particular importance in this debate.”

  • MARI/CCPO Seminar on April 3, 2016: Donglai Gong, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, presented “Comparing the Impact of Arctic and Mid-Atlantic Submarine Canyons on Shelf-basin Exchange.” See the Seminar Page for more details.

  • York River Research Symposium: The York River Research Symposium took place on March 30, 2016, at the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia, 1375 Greate Road, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062. For more information, see here

  • MARI/CCPO Seminar on March 28, 2016: Sara Maxwell, Dept. of Biological Sciences, ODU will be the speaker. See the Seminar Page for more details.

  • THE 2016 RESILIENT VIRGINIA CONFERENCE: The 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference took place on March 22-23, 2016, in Richmond, Va. More information is available here.

  • MARI/CCPO Seminar on March 21, 2016: Nicolas Cassar, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University was the speaker. See the Seminar Page for more details.

  • MARI/CCPO Seminar on March 14, 2016: Sophie Nowicki, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, was the speaker. See the Seminar Page for more details.

    • MARI is co-hosting the Ocean Frontiers II movie screening, an ocean planning community event at the Old Dominion University Theatre, 4608 Hampton Blvd., Norfolk, VA 23529, on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, from 6:00-8:00 PM. The screening of the film “Ocean Frontiers II” will be followed by a Q&A with a panel of experts. The purpose of the event is to inform and engage the public around ocean planning in the region - a timely effort as the draft Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Plan is set to be released for public review this spring.

      Ocean Frontiers II tells the story of New England’s efforts to create an ocean plan for the entire region, focusing in on an offshore wind energy development and their collaboration with fishermen, Native Americans and conservationists that became possible through the Rhode Island state ocean plan. We'll use this example of what took place in the northeast as a jumping off point for a post-film conversation about the challenges Virginia's waters are facing and how people can participate in the regional planning process now underway.

      RSVP to to save your seat. FREE parking across the street in Garage D. Free admission, snacks and refreshments. See also or the Facebook Page.

      You can preview the film at

  • The Winter 2016 Hampton Roads Sea Level Rise/Flooding Adaptation Forum took place on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at the Chrysler Museum, 1 Memorial Drive, Norfolk. The meeting featured special guests talking about national exhibits as well as local opportunities and was followed by an evening networking reception.
  • MARI/CCPO Seminar on February 8, 2016: Brad Muray, Duke University, was the speaker. See the Seminar Page for more details.

  • MARI/CCPO Seminar on February 1, 2016: Richard Zimmerman, OEAS, was the speaker. See the Seminar Page for more details.

  • MARI/CCPO Seminar on January 25, 2016: Gavin Smith, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, was the speaker at the seminar and talk about “Adapting to Climate Change: Lessons from natural hazards planning.” See the Seminar Page for more details.

  • GIS 295 - Topics in Service Learning Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Sea Level Rise/Invasive Species Service Learning Course: The Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) is sponsoring a three-credit Sea Level Rise Service Learning course in partnership with Thomas Nelson Community College (TNCC), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Wallops Flight Facility (WFF), and the GeoTEd project ( MARI is contributing to the course by advising the course team. Deadline for applications was December 1, 2015. See the course announcement for details.