Fall 2018: Natural Hazards and Disasters
Natural Hazards and Disasters
Guidelines for Case Study 2: GeohazardsA draft of the case study paper should be submitted not later than October 24, 2018. Note that the draft will not be graded, but it is an opportunity for you to get supportive comments. Comments on the draft will be returned note later than October 28, 2018. The final case study paper, which will be graded, is due November 2, 2018, 6:00 PM. Length: 1,500 words minimum, 2,000 words of text maximum. Figure captions and reference citations are not included in the word count. Readership: Please, write the case study paper in a way that a non-expert can understand the text. Imagine that you are explaining the type of geohazards you selected using a specific case. The choice of the case is up to you, but you should select a case for which data-based evidence is available. Format: Typed, please. One-and-a-half line spacing preferred. Start with the title of your Case Study. Then write you name and the class identifier below the title. Give the following sections brief headlines and number the sections so that you can cross-reference section if needed by referring to, for example, Section 3. Contents: The paper should have five sections:
Figures, Diagrams, Tables: Include a picture (one will be enough, but you can use more, if needed) relevant to the hazard and/or the disaster caused by the hazard. Cite the source of any pictures and give them short captions so that the image content would be clear to anyone not reading the text. Place the caption below the figure. The caption is not included in the word count. If you use a table, place a caption above the table. Sources and Citations: Use at least three different peer-reviewed sources for your research! Where to find the information? Go to the original data sources wherever possible. Some useful and reliable sites are provided in the class slides, but there are many others. Avoid using direct quotations unless you are quoting an eye-witness account, otherwise put the information into your own words. If you do need to quote directly, use not more than 20 words, use quotation marks, and cite your source at the end of the sentence. Include citations of your source materials throughout your case study and list all the full references together at the end of the paper (see example at the end of this page). If you include a piece of information found on the Internet, make sure it is clear at the end of that sentence where you found the information by citing the website preferably by the author and year, if known, or the organization and year. If the year is not known, use “n.d.” instead. For each website you used, include a reference in the list of references, giving the exact URL and the date when you visited the web site. Questions: And if you have any questions, just ask! Example ReferencesCitations and Reference should follow the documentation style defined by the Council of Scientific Editors, known as the CSE style. See SSF-Guide or the WISC page for more information on the CSE style. Journal article: Article in Book/Collection: Book: Technical Report: Web Page: |