Fall 2018: Natural Hazards and Disasters
Natural Hazards and Disasters
Lab 10: Tornadoes and Case Study 3TornadoesWe will consider several exercises related to disaster events in the US and, in particular, discuss the occurence of tornadoes. Case Study 3: : Hydrometeorological HazardGuidelines for this case study are available here. This work may benefit from your discussions with your fellow students. Make sure that if you work in a group, that you prepare a paper that represents your individual work. Note that the class and lab time on November 27, 2018 will be available to you to work on case study 3. You can work at home or in the library and it is recommended that you work in small groups. For this case study, you may submit a draft not later than 11/18/2018. Note that the draft will not be graded, but it is an opportunity for you to get supportive comments. Comments on the draft will be returned note later than 11/24/2018. The final case study paper, which will be graded, is due 12/01/2018, 6:00 PM. Note that you need to use at least three peer-reviewed sources to base your paper on. Citations and Reference should follow the documentation style defined by the Council of Scientific Editors, known as the CSE style. See SSF-Guide or the WISC page for more information on the CSE style. |