CLIMATE CHANGE, SEA-LEVEL RISE AND SUSTAINABILITY-RELATED EVENTSMeetings or other events organized by, or directly relevant to, MARI are documented on the Public Events Page. Selected other local or regional events that have relevance to climate change mitigation and adaptation are documented in the “Other Events” repository available here. Future events SURA Workshop: Coastal resilience workshop, sponsored by Southeastern Universities Research Association, Broward County, Florida, October 26-28, 2015. See the announcement. 2015 Rising Seas Summit: The 3rd annual Rising Seas Summit brings professionals together to highlight the interrelationships between sea level rise, climate change and extreme events. The focus is on “Transforming Decision Making, Developing Adaptive Infrastructure, and Advancing Solutions.” The events takes place on November 3-5, 2015 at the Boston Sheraton Hotel, Bosten, MA. See for more information. Past events dg.o. 2015: Digital Government and Wicked Problems: Climate Change, Urbanization, and Inequality. May 27-30, 2015; School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. See |